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And Go has supported cross compilation from the very beginning. Cross compiling in Rust has not been historically that good or accessible for beginners.

Xargo isn't that bad, and neither is using a Docker container to build. Plus, a lot of teams generate their build artifacts in CI environments that are already Linux. So there's a bunch of pretty easy ways to get Rust code running in Lambda.

Honestly the reason why official Rust support may never make sense is that it's so easy to use Neon to build native Node modules with Rust. Not one line of JS is needed and the impedance between the two languages is minimal. Go would require more hacks and copying thanks to both it and Node having their own GC. Basically Rust is flexible enough that official support isn't necessary whereas Go requires official support to avoid ugly hacks.

FWIW, I've never used Lambda to do what I'm suggesting above, but I've done it with GCP's equivalent and it works great.

> why official Rust support may never make sense is that it's so easy

I suspect the only thing Amazon will care about here is consumer demand, and potentially the ability of consumers to move from other platforms to theirs (e.g. if Google cloud supports <thing> they are more likely to do so in order to convince people to move).

Rust is a cool language, but it's use in HTTP services is not as widespread as Go, and there are a bunch of other languages I'd expect first (PHP, Ruby?)

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