Thanks, but I'll keep the state decided minimum of what an adult (18) is rather than some have some professor define what my goals should be. Since the adult "adults" are useless with any helpful advice. This is the vibe I get from the adult adults (US-specific):
* A house and senate that behave like toddlers (complete with screaming matches, name calling, and taking their ball home)
* An aging population more concerned with their pensions than the debt they are assigning to their children.
* Complete and utter disregard for the environmental devastation they are leaving behind.
I've learned more from the previous previous generation than I ever did from this last one (this doesn't include mom, my mom is the best). Mottos like, "Do your job, do it well, get a better one". Look out for your parents (ie. don't stick them in a home and wait for them to die).
> A house and senate that behave like toddlers (complete with screaming matches, name calling, and taking their ball home)
This is not US specific. When I was in high-school I dismissed politics as politicians behaved like little children from my point of view. In some countries there are even childish physical fights between politicians in house (probably not senate).
It wasn't always like this. The previous generation of senators had some old ideas but they were courteous and civil to one another. The current electives are basically firebrand, chickenhawks.
* A house and senate that behave like toddlers (complete with screaming matches, name calling, and taking their ball home)
* An aging population more concerned with their pensions than the debt they are assigning to their children.
* Complete and utter disregard for the environmental devastation they are leaving behind.
I've learned more from the previous previous generation than I ever did from this last one (this doesn't include mom, my mom is the best). Mottos like, "Do your job, do it well, get a better one". Look out for your parents (ie. don't stick them in a home and wait for them to die).