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Hipmunk (YC S10) Embarks on Mission to Make Travel Search Easier (xconomy.com)
58 points by waderoush on Aug 18, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

The easy of use, focus, and overall money savings aspect to this site is genius. The way they categorize the length of travel VS pay, along with the actual air line is genius.

On top of the visualization and dissemination of a lot of data, the ease of actually paying for a flight is top notch. Kudos!

The ability to sort by "Agony" is damn funny. I have to say their visual representation of all of the flights available from takeoff to touchdown, while being entirely unique (looks like a Gantt chart), is incredibly intuitive.

There won't be any issues from the name conflict with the other Hipmunk[0], will there?

0: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/Hipmunk

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