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Probably the only time anything related to Justin Bieber will be on HN (soundcloud.com)
93 points by obiefernandez on Aug 17, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

Ha. I told my daughter about this this morning - she hadn't heard about it. I give it 2-to-1 odds she would have heard about it by this evening. That there's a meme a-borning. Brilliant. (Also I'm always happy when I see something before she does; it mildly confuses her. I alluded to Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog last month and she said, "What? You've heard of that?" Child. Of course I've heard of it.)

"Child." I love it! Oh how they think they know everything and have a monopoly on that information.

The software referenced in the description Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch is truly cool. Turns any sound/music into a texture http://hypermammut.sourceforge.net/paulstretch/

My gut says this might be the beginning of a new fad.

I couldn't compile paulstretch under Linux but got it working via WINE and wrote up what I did - http://alicious.com/2010/paul-stretch-download/, also made a short sample of my own making available and linked to a CDN copy of the track in question.

One of the comments on the song says, "I love the smell of a new genre in the morning."

I've been using paulstretch for years, works a treat on spazzy jpop for pad samples :D

edit: though, I am tempted to downvote for bringing bieber to HN. :X

I just spent the entire evening chilling out to ambient stretches of some of my favorite tunes. Thanks for the link!

Radiolab featured Beethovens' 9th symphony slowed down to fill up 24 hours in 2007. It's the first part of the episode.


Rob Beschizza points out that "speeding up Sigur Ros," however "does not result in Biebage":


I discovered that seeking through Sigur Ros on my car's CD player sounds pretty awesome (the skippy sound is how it seeks): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/173540/Misc/sr_cd_seek.mp3

And the original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWMDfJEkQDs

Sounds like Booby McFerrin doing a rock opera.

I just 8x slowed down Daft Punk - Aerodynamic (Using the tool mentioned in obiefernandez's post). I liked it a lot so I have uploaded it here, for whoever wants a listen:


Godspeed you! Daft Emperor

I don't get it. What exactly is going on? Am I looking for a picture or sound?

If you use software to severely stretch a bubblegum pop sound from a teen heartthrob, you get atmospheric music which is by turns haunting and vaguely spiritual. Some of it puts me in the mood of Gregorian chants or my mental image of the music they describe in sci-fi books to demonstrate that the Buddhists-in-space aliens are better than humans.

Try some Gregorian chants run through the extender

Daft Punk used this sort of extreme time stretching in the opening of their Alive tour in 2007. They used (I think) the stretching algorithm in Ableton Live to cut one of their hooks down to 1/10 speed or so before slowly bring it back up to normal. You can listen below (about one minute in).


BT used this kind of time stretching on one of the tracks on This Binary Universe.

I don't recall which one, but he took the entire drum stem for the song and compressed it (rather than stretching it) to run in some special ratio to the length of the song. Sounds fantastic.

As someone commented on SoundCloud, this is the first time anything on SoundCloud has gone viral. 450K hits and rising. I hope for many others!!!

I remember an "infinite" (1 hour long) music on soundcloud being quite popular too. Maybe James Brown, I don't remember clearly.

Check out: http://slowitup.com. Every day I hope to collect and curate the best slowed down songs submitted by readers. Should be online within the hour. Inspired by and dedicated to the awesome Reddit sub-topic (http://www.reddit.com/r/slowitup)

The first few minutes sounds like a collaboration between Brian Eno and Deerhunter. Very ambient and atmospheric.

Having never heard of Justin Bieber, I just tried listening to the original track. Bland.

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