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Thx for the support and concern everyone. I've made a smooth transition to Bing, and BOSS is really a back-up at this point. There are other decent providers for what I use it for as well (Entireweb, Ask, Infoseek, etc.) and I am also looking to those for more backup (Entireweb already in place).

Moving to Bing proved that the way I was doing things it was possible to move and not effect the service much, so I'm really happy about that. Of course, the BOSS terms may be decent anyway. We'll have to wait and find out.

How is that possible? I'm reading the Bing terms of service (http://www.bing.com/developers/tou.aspx), and it seems pretty clear. From section 3c:

You will not, and will not permit your users or other third parties to: ... (c) modify, filter, obscure, or replace the text, images, or other content of Bing results, including by changing the order in which Bing results appear (but this limitation will not apply to Bing results of type "Web"), intermixing Bing results with search results from other sources, or intermixing with Bing results any other content so that the other content appears to be part of Bing results

These terms seem to pretty much prohibit using Bing search results for something like DDG, because all they let you do is change ordering. Am I missing something?

I'm pretty sure Bing doesn't have a problem with what I'm doing. But in general, I believe in this: http://redeye.firstround.com/2009/03/nothing-to-lose-or-risk...


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