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Just because “your side” suffered when exposed doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t see massive value in learning the truth whenever and however we can.

Just because people don't agree with his tactics, doesn't mean they are on "the other side".

Wikileaks has done a real disservice to its image as an objective, truth seeking organization when it acts like it has.

I don’t think there’s any debate that the information WL releases is factual. The only complaint I hear is that they are not shining their flashlight where some particular entity wants it shined. The obvious answer is more flashlights, not to smash the bulb of the single light we have.

There were very few complaints about WL until they exposed Clinton.

The complaints might have started then, but Assange was all that was left of Wikileaks at that point simply a joke attempting to regain some form of legitimacy.

In my opinion, the man never had any values and just lucked out exposing some legitimate info, in an irresponsible manner. Finally he just went off the rails believing his own press.

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