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Video became part of the web experience long time ago. It can't be placed in a separate class unless it's IPTV or something that does not use a browser.

I don't understard why DNS was ever proportionally bigger than e-mail or Telnet.

In addition, if they wanted to say that more non-HTTP applications are on the net, they should point an increase in the "Other" class in the graph.

I guess they've choosen the wrong graph to support their article.

DNS was used to resolve hostnames for almost every other type of internet traffic, including email and telnet, even in the early '90s. As the size of data increased over the years, the size of DNS queries didn't change much, so its proportion of overall bandwidth usage quickly disappears from view in the graph.

Most of the video traffic is likely transferred over HTTP and accessed via web interfaces such as YouTube, so it's a bit disingenuous to distinguish video from web traffic - if you're going to make that distinction, why not put images in their own category as well?

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