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I don't think that's what's driving this. The major powers behind this are two-fold, the first google's apparent about face, the second that they seem to act against their self applied motto.

So they're being held to the standards that they themselves set in the past, hating google has nothing to do with it.

Net neutrality simply translates in to 'pipes are supposed to be dumb for regular traffic'. Anything other than that and the net is no longer neutral, and that's both what drove it to become what it is today and what will continue to drive that growth in the future. Turning it in to a series of ISP guarded walled gardens is not to anybodies benefit. Especially not the wireless portion, since that is where the future growth will be, so the current battle will draw the lines for one of the most important portions of the net in the near future.

And I think we all hoped that Google would stay on the right side in this, and feel disappointed that they didn't.

Hate doesn't enter in to it.

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