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"We are exploring a potential fee-based structure as well as ad-revenue models that will enable BOSS developers to monetize their offerings. When we roll out these changes, BOSS will no longer be a free service to developers."

Seems fair enough to me, depending on how the pricing looks. This will affect DuckDuckGo which I believe is built on top of BOSS.

"Several search-related web services will continue to be supported, but strictly through YQL. These include the Yahoo! Term Extraction Web Service, Related Suggestion, and Spelling Suggestion. Other non-BOSS search APIs such as Web Search, Image Search, News Search and Site Explorer APIs will shut down with no further support in YQL. "

No more web search API is unfortunate.

"On October 1, 2010, we will close the SearchMonkey developer tool, gallery, and app preferences."

I have to admit I never quite figured out what SearchMonkey was for.

"We will be evaluating all our Geo, Maps, and Local APIs--updating or shutting down some of them, and working with our strategic partner, Nokia, on others. We will work with our developer community to ensure a smooth transition in all instances and we will share more details about these decisions in September."

This sent a shiver down me. After avoiding Yahoo! GeoPlanet for a few years out of fear it might get shut down, I finally decided to go full-hog with it on several recent projects (since Twitter and Foursquare had bet on it, so I figured it was probably safe). I really hope they don't kill it off - it's an incredibly useful API.

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