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I've heard 5%, 10%, occasionally 15% many, many times, I've never heard a verifiable source.

The most recent number I can find is 2008 and that's at 5% with a downward trend: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp

Or ~2% in 2007 at http://visualrevenue.com/blog/2007/08/eu-and-us-javascript-d...

I don't think that number is going anywhere but down, no matter how many of your hacker friends are running noScript.

Sure you can argue you're losing x% of your possible conversions due to needing JS but you cannot quantify what percentage you gain by having a distinctly more fluid/exciting website or the cost of the features/polish you don't do because you're developing handling for no-js scenarios. Personally I'm a fan of graceful degradation in all but the most appish sites but at this point no-js is almost as edge-case as no-css.

I wasn't trying to imply that that a site had to accommodate disabled javascript, Sites should handle it gracefully though. It doesn't take that much effort to at least add something like <noscript>This site requires javascript.</noscript>.

BTW, I just revisited it and they fixed the previous problem. Earlier, if you clicked one of the js links you would get text page of raw html.

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