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Wolfram seems to keep a searchable index of all his keystrokes.

From the 12 December 2009 issue of New Scientist:

"I'm an information pack rat," he [Stephen Wolfram] confesses. Recording our interview is just the tip of his peculiar obsession with documenting every moment of his life. "I have a keystroke logger that has collected my every keystroke for the last 22 years," he says. "Every day I get an email that tells me how many keystrokes I typed the previous day into each application. I find it slightly interesting." He shrugs off my suggestion that it's a way of securing his immortality; he believes that soon everyone will be doing it.

That sounds rather Nixon-esque.

Which, if any historians become fascinated with Wolfram, would be an amazing boon.

Weird then that he regularly uses an iPhone and iPad which presumably don't offer this functionality.

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