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How do you down-vote around here?

You gain the privilege after you've accumulated enough 'up' votes for comments and submissions. The exact number changes over time due to inflation.

OT, but it's always amusing to see an answer to this question (which comes up at least once a month) hit double-digit points. The rich get richer...

Interesting; I didn't know that. Right now it's at about 200.

Exactly at 200 - Once you have 201 karma points, downvoting functionality is unlocked.

Until you have a certain amount of karma, you cannot down-vote. When you have enough karma, you'll see down-vote arrows below the up-vote arrows.

How do you downvote below -4?

Click the down button: it'll knock them down another karma point and fade out their comment more, but it won't display lower than -4 to prevent pile-on downvoting to -50.

what's the harm of down voting to -50?

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