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I'm hoping some day that he goes into more detail about the system he uses to catalog conversations. I'm actually trying to work on a project similar to that.

Wil Shipley talked about it upon meeting him at Ted in this blog entry: http://wilshipley.com/blog/2010/03/ted-2010.html (towards the bottom of the entry)

An idea that I've been dreaming of (and kicking around some prototypes of) for a while now is a integrated archive of all the communications services/mediums I use these days. I have close contacts who I may interact with across 5 or 6 mediums in a given week - e.g. email, IM, IRC, SMS, twitter, comments on their blog posts. I'd like to be able to go into a contact list, click a buddy, and get a timeline of my interactions with them across these mediums. Google's gotten part way there in the last few years with email, Google Talk logs and Google Voice voicemails and SMS all being searchable from the Gmail interface but it's not as extensible as I'd like and the results quality (ironically) leaves a lot to be desired.

Yeah, I'd love a Xobni Desktop, maybe they can make it happen. The only problem I have with Xobni now is I find myself forcing important things I want to find later through email so I can easily locate it.

If a "Dropbox" style product would also index everything I send it so I could have a search experience like I do with Xobni I'd certainly pay extra for it.

If a "Dropbox" style product would also index everything I send it so I could have a search experience like I do with Xobni I'd certainly pay extra for it.

This sounds very similar to DevonThink Pro: http://devon-technologies.com/products/devonthink/index.html , which I use daily, mostly along the lines that Steven Berlin Johnson describes here: http://www.stevenberlinjohnson.com/movabletype/archives/0002... .

Wow, that's amazingly cool. Thanks for posting that!

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