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Does anybody know if the 30% performance reduction would apply to Macbook pros from within the past 2 years?

They run Intel CPUs made within the last ten years so would be subject to this issue. But the performance hit is really dependent on the computing that you're doing. It's not a guaranteed 30% or a guaranteed 5%.

Are you doing a lot of really CPU intensive tasks that make a lot of syscalls? Most people aren't. If you are, you'll probably feel that pain. And if you're not, you probably won't notice a difference. And if you don't know you can either research if what you're doing typically is going to be affected, or wait and see.

> They run Intel CPUs made within the last ten years so would be subject to this issue.

Do we know that? There is a lot of speculation but the embargo is not lifted yet afaik. There are obviously elements of this that are remaining intentionally obscured pending embargo expiry (redacted comments), so it could be that a smaller contingent of chips are affected and no one is bothering to correct the damage/limit the patch only to applicable components so that the cat doesn't get out of the bag too soon (side benefit: so that an extensive emergency fix like this can be widely tested before it's applied to a relatively limited set of hardware).

Seems just as valid as any other speculation to me.

Do we know that the kernel used in OSX is vulnerable at all? I haven’t found any discussion of it.

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