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Very little by way of details has been made public yet. Not even the technical press. Even relevant comments in the Linux source are redacted at the moment. Hopefully, further details will be released in good time (in the next month?) when people have had time to install the patches that are going out RealSoonNow (i.e. the huge plan of updates on Azure's VM hosts).

> Even relevant comments in the Linux source are redacted at the moment.

People keep repeating this claim because it sounds dramatic, but I'm not sure it's a fair description. The original source appears to be a single snide tweet from @grsecurity [1] referencing this comment [2].

It's far from obvious that the comment was even "redacted" at all. It seems more likely that "stay tuned" is either a reference to the more detailed comments elsewhere in the patch (in arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c), or a reflection of the fact (which is clearly spelled out in the commit message) that future patches are likely to change the location of the LDT mapping.

I've skimmed through the commit messages and comments from the latest patchset [3] and couldn't find anything else that even hinted at redaction, nor could I find any mention of redactions on the linux-kernel mailing list.

Furthermore, it's worth bearing in mind that @grsecurity has been involved in numerous public feuds with the Linux security folks. So in the absence of concrete evidence, I'm not particularly inclined to assume his tweet was made in good faith.

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