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The best sites for content
54 points by kinnth on Aug 15, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 40 comments
I love hacker news and I check it everyday for a stream of great information. I was wondering what other sites do people use for other really good content, it doesn't have to be business related.

Not the common, digg, reddit etc, but the underground ones :P


Intelligent one hour long interviews with interesting people. Charlie Rose is a great interviewer, and actually lets people express their full opinion on a subject without cutting them off.

I don't know how he does it but he gets to interview all sorts of famous intellectuals, artists and business leaders. From Paul Krugman and Jeff Bezos to Michael Caine and Dennis hopper.

There are several new interviews every week and the back catalog will keep you entertained for months.

"I don't know how he does it" I think you've answered your own question there: "Charlie Rose is a great interviewer, and actually lets people express their full opinion on a subject without cutting them off."

Everyone loves being really listened to.

> Everyone loves being really listened to.

That's interesting. Tell me why you think that is? ;)

Because we're self-centered pricks by nature.

So you think we'e self-centered pricks by nature? Tell me more!

Good one ;)

http://bloggingheads.tv for politics and philosophy (great if you're a Robert Wright fan)

http://bigthink.com for long, focused interviews with smart people

http://longform.org for good magazine pieces

http://www.kk.org/cooltools/the-best-magazi.php for phenomenally good magazine pieces

http://reason.com if you suspect yourself of having libertarian tendencies

I have an Economist subscription. Reading on paper still beats reading on screen.

I couldn't resist a shameless plug for my search engine that I recently launched: http://www.moreofit.com

I often find myself in need of an answer to the question: what are the most popular sites that have to do with x, y, and z? If you're looking for high quality websites about something, just type in a few keywords and have a go. Sorting by popularity (# times bookmarked on delicious) has turned out to incredibly useful, as it's highly correlated with quality. Also, I suggest that if you find any website that you like a lot you query it and see what comes up. Often times there'll be something even better... Or worse. (Did you know there are like 10 urbandictionary clones that all suck yet somehow manage to sustain themselves?)

To answer your original question:

wikipedia, urban dictionary, metafilter, news, pg essays, past and present Harper's indexes, tech/startup/entrepreneur blogs, TED and fora, and once inawhile popurls.

Edge http://edge.org/

Articles, opinion pieces and discussion about science by top scientists. Often with a philosophical twist.

One of my favorites, especially the 2007 edition where 160 leading scientists, philosophers, programmers etc. answer the question, What Are You Optimistic About And Why?


Arts & Letters Daily. Lots of great long-form stuff: http://www.aldaily.com/

You could always read http://shortformblog.com </shamelessselfpromotion>

But in all seriousness, I find myself here a lot, along with:

http://mediaite.com/ <-- Good, video-heavy political coverage

http://reuters.com/ <-- News is good. And as wire services go, they're the most underrated.

Also a big fan of http://longform.org, which is ironic because of my own site's name.

http://apple.copydesk.org/ <-- Visual journalism blogger Charles Apple, who I read daily and who inspired me to do my own blog

http://www.theatlanticwire.com/ <-- An always-interesting aggregator of political opinion. The bloggers on The Atlantic proper, esp. Andrew Sullivan, I'm a huge fan of.

http://the-diplomat.com | for politics in Asia.

http://www.aldaily.com/ | for random goodness.

http://lifehacker.com | for me.

3quarksdaily.com, aldaily.com


Disclaimer: This is my site. It's about as underground as it gets, considering only myself and a few of my friends use it. I stick things here that I find interesting, so you'll enjoy it if you have the same tastes as I do ;) Feel free to post anything you like as well, if you care to.

http://techcrunch.com/ www.steveblank.com www.startuplessonslearned.com


Long form essays that really aren't afraid to engage with an idea. Also, you should check out the personals section, as they are a lesson in wit.

And obviously http://www.nybooks.com/ , too.

Since you are looking -- http://quippd.com

Disclaimer, it is my project (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1454934) but I'm trying to stock it with good stuff. Hope you browse.

Yeah -- not really sure why we had the outage, and we may go down again tomorrow to figure out what went wrong -- we are running in debug mode right now, so it might be slower than it should be.

Now that it is back up I am impressed! I was able to see it a while back- when it was hosted on your local box- but now, all I can say is great work.

I hope you fixed the code injection bug I had informed you of back then ;).

Thanks! I think we fixed it, but if we haven't -- privately message me? :P

I would love to ask you some questions about your site, if that's possible?

Go for it!

http://lesswrong.com/ to improve rationality


I like to read http://www.newsweek.com for international politics topics. Their articles on the the Afghanistant/Pakistan region are very interesting to read.

Wow. Thanks for the thread. http://videolectures.net for highly academic content regarding Machine Learning, Statistics and other Computer Science subjects.

I hit TimesWire to see whats happening 'now':


I also swing by Kottke's blog:


GigaOM (telco), kottke (internets), kk's cool tools (DIY), arXiv (science), cluserflock (internets), Smashing Magazine (graphic design)

popurls.com, videosift.com & HN are my everyday websites.

drawar.com is also good for web design.

In my opinion, Metafilter is what HN wishes it could be, and is full of both more interesting content and usually better discussion.


zerohedge.com ---> everything finance related

esciencenews.com :D

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