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>makes Iceland the first country in the world to legalise equal pay between men and women.

It wasn't legal before?

>A new law making it illegal to pay men more than women has taken effect in Iceland.

>makes Iceland the first country in the world to legalise equal pay between men and women.

Weird writing here by ALJ. The differences between illegal, decriminalized, legal, and mandated are important. I think we in the US have grown to learn the differences a little better lately due to marijuana. It's illegal Federally, some states have decriminalized it, and some states have completely legalized it; no states have yet to mandate marijuana use.

Good point! If we carry over this use of "legalized" to "legalized marijuana", it means you are obligated to consume it under penalty of law.

I think they’re trying to use “legalise” to mean “put legal structures around”. Probably they meant “legislate”?

I interpret this to mean men have no legal recourse when their employer lowers their salary to match women's.

This will obviously disincentivize men from working as hard and lower productivity.

This language seems like an attempt to give a positive spin to more regulation.

Disclaimer: I'm am all for equal pay. We just might disagree on the best way to get there, but that's healthy right?

I think the difference is now you have to prove your innocence.

I guess the author meant legislate

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