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How many arrests have happened because of CP posted on, say, Facebook? Or on Reddit? Is there any proof that CP is more likely to be posted on the 4chan imageboard than anywhere else on the Internet? Do you think the owners of 4chan somehow encourage the posting of CP?

Literally the first discussion I had with a friend who used 4chan, a decade or so ago, was about how people posted lots of child porn on /b/, but it typically got removed.

It doesn’t matter who encourages what. The mods obviously don’t like it, but somehow 4chan spent years attracting tons of people who love to post child porn.

It's just as possible to post CP on any other web forum that allows images to be uploaded. Uploading illegal content has always been a rule on 4chan and has always lead to a rapid ban and report, attempting to pin 4chan as being complicit in spreading CP is a baseless smear.

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