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I'm not free from consulting (and want to continue doing it as well actually!), but a few points:

* I treat each of my own projects just like a regular client

* I consider all the projects like a 'scrum' of 'scrums' (ie: I get to prioritize between projects just like I prioritize inside a given project)

* for billable and non-billable projects, I take great care to ensure I keep a sustainable rhythm (I work a lot periodically when required, but not on the long run)

* I keep track of my 'pulse' with Freckle, very helpful

* for each project (home-made or not) I try hard to limit the amount of time I dedicate to it

* I keep high rates

* we've lowered our expenses quite far (including moving to a very cheap area in France, considering buying a house without a mortgage as a result etc)

In my case and when it's in control, consulting is both a risk-splitter and a great way to keep up to date and financially 'confident'.

As well I get to work in various, real-world situations that give me ideas for my own projects.

Last point: as I consider myself an investor investing in ourselves, where my resources (time/money/energy) are scarce, I find it great and sustainable to work this way, slowly building what I like.

Cross posting but relevant I believe:

http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1604820 (techniques to prioritize between projects and inside a project)

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