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Selling for most people now is not a great idea for a couple reasons.

A) as the other person pointed out, you'll still likely have rent. As for bouncing around looking for cheaper rent, you typically get locked in to a rental agreement for at least 6 months, if not a year. You can't just move every month to save a few bucks.

B) Moving costs money (and time) in and of itself.

C) Selling costs. At least in the US, most housing sales are going to eat up 5-6% of the house price in commissions. On a $150k house sale, it's going to cost you $9k (plus, again, the time and expense of moving).

Unless moving is going to save you significant expenses vs renting, it's probably not that wise to blindly sell and move. Assuming, that is, you even could sell to someone in this market. It's not great in many areas for sellers right now.

If I could rent someplace $800-$1000 less than where I'm at now, I'd consider it, because the cost/expense would be recouped in probably a year, but I wouldn't go through all that hassle/cost/expense to save a couple hundred per month.


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