You don't understand how culturally deep the 2nd Amendment is for many Americans. The right to bear arms is a foundational freedom, enshrined in the Bill of Rights. The country was founded in violent revolution and then expanded across a wilderness frontier. Firearms are a key part of that history. The view is also that people aren't truly free unless they have the ability to resist government tyranny. The 2nd Amendment has actually expanded pretty dramatically in the last two decades-- many states have expanded concealed carry and the feds have rolled back so-called assault weapons bans, and the courts have strengthened the 2nd Amendment as an individual right. You'll literally have a civil war if you tried to disarm the population.
Apparently you've never been to Iraq or Afghanistan. It's also interesting your empirical research methods have a terrible fear of analysing history..
Besides the above, how did that recent uprising in Catalonia work out...
Tweet, hold signs, vigils, hashtag whatever.. Without the blood of sacrifice and guns to make it painful, those people were really just pissing into the wind.