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The Open Cannabis Project curates data from testing labs, the NIH, and elsewhere.


I have not seen the mislabeling studies you note. Most of the labels -- strain names -- are not intrinsically meaningful anyway.

w/r/t being chemically distinct, the research I've read show clear differences in cannabinoid and terpene composition between major strains, hybrids created from those, and within all of these per particular harvest, origin, conditions.

The pharmacological effects of those compositions on you won't be exact -- they provide guidance.


(ibuprofen, gin, and brussel sprouts don't effect you and me exactly the same way, either, but we have the general idea of what's involved.)

there's more anecdotal evidence than hard scientific research available because cannabis has been consumed for 3,000 years, but it's been an illegal narcotic in the US for the last 60.

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