I started answering your examples, but why bother? They are clearly not representative of the case.
I'll just highlight: "There are plenty of other ways to fix this, including body cams and proper prosecution"
So you're saying that if cops were more afraid of being prosecuted and punished after using their guns they would be more careful before killing a citizen. As in "well, now they're almost never punished, so yeah, they can just shoot first and ask questions later, otherwise they would first make sure the guy is actually armed and hostile". This is mind-blowing to me either it is the actual state of mind of police officers or if you believe it is and think it's ok.
You weren't speaking about the case. You spoke in absolutes for all cases.
In this case? I suspect the officer was completely in the wrong, but I'll reserve judgment until I have all the facts.
>So you're saying that if cops were more afraid of being prosecuted and punished after using their guns they would be more careful before killing a citizen.
No. I am saying that body cams, prosecution, and other tools will help protect bystanders, police officers, and suspects. It will help make better policies, protect innocent officers, prosecute guilty officers, and inform the public (because the police are sometimes wrong, but also sometimes not, in shooting people).
Expecting police officers and any bystanders/hostages to be target practice before they can shoot back just makes for a lot of dead officers and bystanders. It doesn't solve the problem. And it probably exacerbates it by increasing tension in an already stressful situation, limiting officer control of the situation, and encouraging corruption (since a system so unfair to police will necessarily cause them to close ranks further).
I'll just highlight: "There are plenty of other ways to fix this, including body cams and proper prosecution"
So you're saying that if cops were more afraid of being prosecuted and punished after using their guns they would be more careful before killing a citizen. As in "well, now they're almost never punished, so yeah, they can just shoot first and ask questions later, otherwise they would first make sure the guy is actually armed and hostile". This is mind-blowing to me either it is the actual state of mind of police officers or if you believe it is and think it's ok.