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DO Installer – An installer for getting apps running quickly on DigitalOcean (71m.us)
64 points by styfle on Dec 28, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Well, hello! This is my project -- I didn't expect to see it posted here!

It is as jgh said: "it's basically just a script that provisions a new digitalocean instance via the DO api, installs dependencies, and builds/installs/runs the program."

I built it specifically so people could easily install my open source church software OneBody by clicking a button on the website here: https://church.io/onebody/

If I would have known guests were coming, I would have cleaned up a bit! The CSS looks horrible on mobile I just realized.

Anyway, thanks for posting!

Tip: To fix your CSS, you're using Bootstrap but you're missing any '<div class="container">' or '<div class="container-fluid">'. One of those around your outer 'class="row"' (basically level below body) fixes your main issue.

(Then remove the negative margin on your Go button and/or use one of the better options bootstrap has for that kind of thing [1]).

[1] https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/components/#input-groups-b...



I actually found it through OneBody and was intrigued.

It’s like a “Deploy to Heroku” button but for Digital Ocean.

We need more of these type of tools because it gives people options on where to host their software.

Also, how did you even know I posted this to HN? :)

I was just scanning headlines and saw it! Such a weird feeling haha!

It looks like a cloud-init wrapper to me. Shell script provisioning, the kind that I would avoid.

A little bit of css could help. The text hugs the edge of the screen and I can't click on the button.(on mobile)

This looks pretty cool. Is the app.yml format documented somewhere?

No, it’s not documented. I feel bad.

It’s basically four keys: name, image, min_size (optional), and config.

The config key contains the cloud-config, tutorial here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/an-introduc...

Example app.yml with more stuff: https://github.com/churchio/onebody/blob/master/app.yml

So is this like Docker?

I just took a quick look at it and I don't think so. I think it's basically just a script that provisions a new digitalocean instance via the DO api, installs dependencies, and builds/installs/runs the program.

It might seem simple, but this person obviously put a lot of work into it. Looks good @jgh really cool!

I didnt mean to imply they didnt put work in! Sorry if I did.

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