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Rust's safety was partly inspired from such spending on Cyclone, a safe version of C. The NSF and other organizations fund tons of work on clean-slate languages, type systems, formal methods, etc. The academic incentives usually lead to quickly thrown together prototypes that arent production ready. Even the good ones rarely get used by programmers in general. Ocaml was one of the exceptions. What gets adoption is normally a language/platform with a knock-off of their efforts pushed by a big company or used in a "killer app." Bandwagons in other words.

The consistently-low adoption of clean-slate tech along with lock-in effecta means the opposite is true: massive investment should go into making most common tech more correct, secure, and recoverable as simple as possible for users. If clean-slate, it should stay close as possible to what people already know with clean integrations. We can also continue to invest in ground-breaking stuff for niches that use them (eg SPARK Ada for aerospace) and/or new bandwagons that might build on them (eg Rust ecosystem).

I had forgotten Cyclone's name, thanks for the reminder. I've always felt kinda sad some of the small features like int@ didn't make their way back into C. I'm glad at least C++ has non-null pointers via references (but with stricter semantics and potentially undesirable syntactic sugar) and fat pointers via span<T>, but it's useless when I have to write in C for legacy reasons.

Trevor Jim revived it a bit with virtualization for those wanting to play with it:


Oh, that looks interesting, thanks for the link!

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