Unclear what the article is really talking about. However, regardless of programming language, I do think that microarchitectures could do more for security. When going for memory safety, why stop at the highest level?
Frankly, if it were about memory safety, though, I think we could count C out. A microarchitecture with inherent protection against memory bugs would likely not be able to provide it's advantages to vanilla C or existing C software.
Why not get safety AND easy concurrency by going to Software Transactional Memory in hardware? I don't know the specifics of the overhead off the top of my head but I imagine we're getting close to the point where it's a reasonable cost to bear for the benefits it would bring...
Frankly, if it were about memory safety, though, I think we could count C out. A microarchitecture with inherent protection against memory bugs would likely not be able to provide it's advantages to vanilla C or existing C software.