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> I know that this does not prove everything but it's one way to measure institutional racism which is kinda hard to measure in an objective way.

It's a lot harder to collect data when you expunge all references to race from the law, and also prohibit public institutions from collecting data on race and ethnicity, as five European countries have already done. Heck, you'll be hard-pressed to find reliable statistics for how many black people even live in (e.g.) France. That doesn't mean racism doesn't exist there; it just means it's impossible to separate out the effects of racism in analyses. The racism has become fully integrated.

This is exactly what institutionalization of racism looks like - racism becoming part and parcel of the society, so tightly integrated that it's actually hard to disentangle the racism from the rest of society.

Avoiding the culture of dividing and collecting data based on race makes a society racist? That's certainly an interesting way of looking at it.

> Avoiding the culture of dividing and collecting data based on race makes a society racist?

It certainly doesn't eliminate racism from society, no. It just makes it impossible to measure the effects of racism independently. Hence, the racism becomes integrated into the rest of the society.

It's one less statistic for government busy-bodies to obsess over reducing or optimizing at the behest of conflict peddlers.

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