> You keep on repeating the idea that no one needs both Varnish and Nginx in their design.
I never said that at any point.
What I did say was your reasoning that Varnish is faster than Nginx is flawed:
Apache+Varnish is 97% faster than Litespeed [1]
Litespeed is faster than Nginx [2]
*therefore I infer* Varnish is faster than Nginx.
Those cited benchmarks are both crap, and if they are relevant to a particular setup (ie yours), then you cannot use them on a public forum as proof that one is faster than the other.
You see, the problem I have is that you're spreading FUD which many will read and believe (as you do).
I never said that at any point.
What I did say was your reasoning that Varnish is faster than Nginx is flawed:
Those cited benchmarks are both crap, and if they are relevant to a particular setup (ie yours), then you cannot use them on a public forum as proof that one is faster than the other.You see, the problem I have is that you're spreading FUD which many will read and believe (as you do).
[1] http://www.unixy.net/apache-vs-litespeed
[2] http://blog.litespeedtech.com/2010/01/06/benchmark-compariso...