I'm just happy I stuck with you after the massive amount of mentions of the site. I don't know what your bounce rate is, but I think you are making a very compelling product a very complex sell. :)
I'm by no means a UX expert, but I think I would prefer that you just break down the options into ones that work differently from each other; for instance, I just figured out that group collections display how the transactions are spent, whereas charitable donations don't. I didn't even get that from watching the usage list.
Your home page generally does a great job of addressing most of my thoughts, but the collect-manage-spend doesn't really translate into anything by itself. The "I want to" doesn't either - especially since I usually choose an "Other" option.
Keep it up, I love to ditch PayPal and Google Checkout whenever I can.
PS: The "More" link for the customer testimonies doesn't work in the most recent version on Opera. Maybe it's on my end, maybe it's not. :)
I agree. We have struggled with this since the beginning.
Thanks for the feedback; we will definitely keep working on our messaging.