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Good arguments, but I think the most valid one is about land and property - a government, on the most fundamental level, is a force controlling an area.

However, the control can't really extend to remote work (I'm sure VR headsets will make it easy enough) - workers can live in N countries and it's not like the government will start controlling their every minute. Some countries will surely be on the crypto-economy side too.

And it's not like those countries will stay idle - people will be directly incentivised to immigrate to them. Some wars may be fought because of it, sanctions or dictators will try to prevent it.

But in the end there is nothing any government can do really: a tool now exists to send any kind of value any distance in a matter of a second, without a trace, using maybe even thoughts alone. It's as if a completely new law of physics suddenly appeared. Everyone will eventually have to adapt.

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