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what difference does it make? There are plenty of cli commands implemented in python/ruby/dtrace/shell and you're not aware of them. What's different about node aside from your negative bias?

There are no common tools in nodejs, no system ships with node. I only have node on my production servers, because Rails needs a JS engine and node is fast.

Actually i assume nearly every techie tries to avoid installing hundreds of different interpreters with even more dependencies just to run tiny scripts which could be replaced by a smart shell one liner.

Often techies sudo apt install packages and these packages might have a nodejs/python/ruby as a dependency.

Why python/ruby would be ok but nodejs is not?

Python ships with the system. I am not aware of common Ruby scripts. I am a Ruby dev so I use a exception on that.

I would immediately notice if I accidentally ran a Ruby or a Node.js script or a dtrace¹ script. That's because I don't have of these interpreters installed on my system.

¹ I have no idea what dtrace is.

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