You don't have to be part of the crypto-zoo. You can just stand on the side observing and shaking your head.
Disclaimer: I personally don't gamble/speculate and therefore don't have any crypto currencies in my possession. (this argument is usually used by IOTA fanboys to discredit critics of their currency/ICO)
Standing on the side lines, indirectly referring to participants as animals (crypto-zoo), shaking your head from your percieved superior position, generalizing participation as gambling / speculating demonstrates you are squarely in the biased 50% camp.
My Disclaimer: I have positions in several crypto projects (not IOTA specifically b/c I don't like some of the decisions they've made). I make no predictions as to which (if any) cryto projects will succeed but ultimately I think that the long term outlook is positive for a few.
Disclaimer: I personally don't gamble/speculate and therefore don't have any crypto currencies in my possession. (this argument is usually used by IOTA fanboys to discredit critics of their currency/ICO)