Its precisely comments like yours that illustrate perfectly the arrogance of proponents of the cyclist movement.
I ride bikes and am an pedestrian since all My life in said cities. Yet people like you feel inclined to judge any one who doesnt agree with them into the class of „unworthiness to talk to“.
You people cant even read my Statement correctly: I was talking about the dangers to the pedestrians by the cyclists.
Not everybody who rides bikes is a dick, and yes car driving dicks have the advantage of their bodies being protected.
But my Main point, that got lost in peoples mouth foam is, that at least dick-drivers are accountable. Cyclists arent. They can leave marks on cars and ride off. They can insult „fucking pedestrians“ and ride off. They can attack other (slower) cyclists, and ride off. Cars cant because in dense urban areas they arent as easy and as free to navigate.
And besides from being stolen, in all those interactions the cyclists doesnt have to fear damageto his vehicle.
I ride bikes and am an pedestrian since all My life in said cities. Yet people like you feel inclined to judge any one who doesnt agree with them into the class of „unworthiness to talk to“.
You people cant even read my Statement correctly: I was talking about the dangers to the pedestrians by the cyclists.
Not everybody who rides bikes is a dick, and yes car driving dicks have the advantage of their bodies being protected.
But my Main point, that got lost in peoples mouth foam is, that at least dick-drivers are accountable. Cyclists arent. They can leave marks on cars and ride off. They can insult „fucking pedestrians“ and ride off. They can attack other (slower) cyclists, and ride off. Cars cant because in dense urban areas they arent as easy and as free to navigate.
And besides from being stolen, in all those interactions the cyclists doesnt have to fear damageto his vehicle.