My brother-in-law has Down Syndrome and is a sincere Rick Astley fan. (He went to a show in February and got a t-shirt signed, which he still wears.) He uses a jukebox app to play songs at one of our regular bars, and more often than not ends up picking Never Gonna Give You Up before the night is over. Every time I'm afraid to look around because I know everyone in the bar is eyeing each other wondering who the asshole is.
He's got a great sense of humor about it too. He live Rick Rolled the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade on a day so cold he had to do his performance in a heavy coat and gloves.
A punster friend of mine pun Rick Rolled himself in a dream. In the dream, someone gave him a bunch of movies, but withheld the movie Up. The dream ended on the pronouncement "I'm never gonna give you Up."
My old local supermarket had a "jukebox" at the entrance, where you could select a song. Every time I went there, I'd put Never Gonna Give You Up on the queue.
Last time I want there, however, they had removed the song. I guess I wasn't the only one putting the song on every time I walked in.
You guys need to tamper with the jukebox one unexpected evening and see if the RICK will do a live cameo for the man. That would be awesome, score a ton of YouTube views.
I was in a very popular bar with a group of friends one rather busy Friday / Saturday night. They were playing all kinds of great music and the crowd was thoroughly enjoying it until somebody* played Wham - Careless Whisper. I have vivid memory of one drunk guy about to smash the jukebox and swearing while the mood in the bar was destroyed for almost 8 minutes.