Bing is actually a very nice search engine. It occasionally outperforms google in certain aspects of search, and has some extremely useful features that google doesn't have, although you'll have to dig around the site to find these (such as farecast, and the visual search).
I still recommend google for things such as technological search. For the majority of tail queries google still does better.
DuckDuckGo on the other hand is a nice search engine. However, it is objectively not as good at finding results as the other too. You can use statistical measures with RMSE and human rated errors to measure the accuracy of the machine learning and results pages that turn up in a search engine. DuckDuckGo is not even on the radar for google or microsoft because its core product--search--isn't even on the same level as the other two.
I still recommend google for things such as technological search. For the majority of tail queries google still does better.
DuckDuckGo on the other hand is a nice search engine. However, it is objectively not as good at finding results as the other too. You can use statistical measures with RMSE and human rated errors to measure the accuracy of the machine learning and results pages that turn up in a search engine. DuckDuckGo is not even on the radar for google or microsoft because its core product--search--isn't even on the same level as the other two.