Very sensible article. I can scarcely improve upon it.
The choice is not the issue, its probably more categorization, and somehow having the good stuff bubble up and the bad/broken stuff sink.
We cannot totally rely on google searches, for often google brings up outdated articles that perhaps have a high number of hits, while something current does not show up.
I liked your para on READMEs and railscasts. I recently saw a video demo of a Java framework named "Play" -- really made me want to download and try it -- that kind of stuff can do wonders for a project.
The choice is not the issue, its probably more categorization, and somehow having the good stuff bubble up and the bad/broken stuff sink.
We cannot totally rely on google searches, for often google brings up outdated articles that perhaps have a high number of hits, while something current does not show up.
I liked your para on READMEs and railscasts. I recently saw a video demo of a Java framework named "Play" -- really made me want to download and try it -- that kind of stuff can do wonders for a project.