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Anatomy of a Haskell-Based Application, Revisited (capital-match.com)
135 points by kornakiewicz on Dec 15, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Ace read.

Technical considerations aside I'd love to read about the domain-specific advantages that choosing Haskell resulted in, particularly when Capital Match is playing in a quite crowded sector (p2p lending / invoice financing).

I have heard of similar fintechs written in e.g. Ruby that are open to white-labeling their product for other countries. So non-differentiation from cheaper alternatives can be a risk.

Author here. Didn’t expect this to be on the front page of HN. I have a flight to catch but I can answer questions.


I'm mostly curious about the details behind the flat-file persistence. Is the storage on the same physical machine as the API and Business Logic? If not how is communication done? How do you handle horizontal scalability for either perf or HA reasons?

Hi! That’s actually a good question, an aspect that I basically avoided in the article. Truth be told, we aren’t happy with the way things are, but indeed the storage is on the same physical machine (in fact a shared docker volume) as everything else. We have a read-only replica that we use sometimes to execute slow queries.

However, the vision is that eventually we would use Raft or other kinds of consensus on top of the current layer of storage. Event sourcing supposedly should make this kind of replication easy because data is always append-only. Unfortunately the reality of a startup is that we often have to do things quickly and this aspect has been neglected for pretty long.

Doesn't Haskell STM limit you to a certain non-distributed architecture?

At least in the Clojure world, STM is not used that much (despite praise) since it's not a good fit for horizontally scalable web servers.

Yes. In general it is a nightmare to attempt to coordinate STM with any sort of external action because STM inherently needs to have the ability to do computations multiple times and have “wasted” work when sometimes a transaction cannot commit immediately. Coupling STM with IO can only be done very carefully, making sure for example that the IO is abortable and idempotent.

In our architecture (which is of course by no means perfect!) we largely use a single machine for the majority of our interactions so right now we aren’t facing this issue per se.

Tried to explain functional programming (in C# because it's a real world job) to a colleague. It's surprisingly difficult to sell benefits of purity and immutability if the there is no threading going on. Much as I hate JavaScript at least those who touch React educate themselves in right concepts (even if they start using funny non-standard CQRS terminology).

It really shouldn't be that hard.

The real benefit of purity and immutability is managing complexity. People focus way too much on threading, which is a buzzword. As ever, the buzzwordy version of an otherwise good idea is never all it's cracked up to be.

It's all down to context boundaries:

- With a pure function, you can completely understand its behavior by reading just that function's code, and possibly also the code of any other functions it calls.

- With a method that relies on mutable variables, you have to understand not only that method, but also every other method that mutates the variable, and possibly all the code that has a reference to that object.

In the second case, you've potentially got a much wider scope to understand. Almost as wide a scope as you need to understand when global variables are in use. Worse, it's now possible to change that method's behavior without touching any of that method's actual code. It's even possible that you could change it without touching the file that contains it.

In a nutshell, the real benefit of purity and immutability is that it eliminates "spooky action at a distance" type behaviors, and all the intractability that tends to come with them.

Seems like Elm would be a good choice for a more Haskell-y UI solution.

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