You make it sound like having a single proprietary browser as the standard for browsing the web is a minor concern. Can you imagine if nowadays anybody who's not using IE/Edge was a 2nd class citizen on the web, not able to access most content? Remember the days of flash? For one thing it would've hurt massively the development of non-MS smartphones.
Nowadays Chrome seems to be the new IE but at least they're a bit more open overall. I have absolutely no doubt that MS would've turn the web into their proprietary playground if given the chance.
> Nowadays Chrome seems to be the new IE but at least they're a bit more open overall.
"Google Chrome is required to run the new Google Earth. Please try this link in Chrome. Learn more."
"Launching the new Allo Web, only available in Chrome."
"Launching Google Inbox Beta, only available in Chrome."
Granted, Allo and Inbox and the new YouTube design are now available in Firefox, but with artificial performance limitations. Also, even versions of Firefox that support U2F are unable to log into Google with it, because Google sniffs the User Agent.
Additionally, half of Google’s mobile websites are unusable, or haven’t been updated since before the 2013 redesign, on Firefox mobile.
"Best Viewed in Internet Explorer" is back in full swing.
Let's not forget when Google forced Mobile IE to switch to the WAP site for Google Maps even though worked perfectly, then blocked Microsoft's YouTube app and refused to help create one that worked properly just to punish Windows Phone users for picking the wrong platform.
well Microsoft makes Android handset makers pay enormous sums of money for years to license some "software patents" they hold. Not very classy move either.