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Here's the short list:

* NERD_tree - Nice tree list of files for project browsing

* NERD_commenter - Mapped to ,c<Spc> to toggle between commenting and uncommenting

* SimpleFold - Folding that doesn't suck courtesy of the eigenclass blog

* a.vim - quickly alternate between a .c and .h file

* ack - way better searching than vimgrep or regular grep

* vimclojure - A must-have for Clojure dev in Vim <3

* ctk - auto-compilation and syntax check for languages. I use it to check ruby files on save

* easytags - automatically generate the tags file for your buffers

* eclim - I develop enterprise Java, eclim keeps me sane by giving my almost all of Eclipse's useful features in Vim

* fuzzyfinder - great file-finding tool similar to Emacs' C-x C-f

* gist - automatically post your buffer to a gist, download gists etc, super handy

* localvimrc - allows me to have project-specific vimrcs

* matchit - for beter % matching

* narrow - Emacs'-style narrowing and widening

* netrw - edit files remotely over ftp/ssh/etc

* paredit - the paredit.vim file from the slimv plugin, doesn't work as well as Emacs' paredit, but it's semi-useful

* pastie - post your buffer to pastie

* rails - various helpers from the vim-ruby project for rails

* repeat - allows repeating things that aren't normally repeatable with '.'

* securemodelines - don't let people do mean things in modelines

* showmarks - I'm on the fence with this one, great if you use a lot of marks and want to show them

* slime - pipe text from a vim buffer to a screen session

* snipmate - Textmate-like snippets for various languages

* supertab - tab-completion that works pretty well, this + eclim is great for java dev

* surround - tools for messing with surroundings of files

* taglist - use ctags to display a tag list in a pane

* twitvim - seriously, why use a twitter client when you can use vim

* vimball - used to install a lot of vim plugins

* vimwiki - I store all of my tech-related text here

* visualstar - this lets you use '' to search for more than just a single word

yankring - a ring of yanks when doing copy/paste

If I had to pick just one for a favorite, it'd be a tie between fuzzyfinder and NERD_tree, way better than manually trying to find the file to edit.

In addition there are quite a few filetype plugins for better syntax highlighting for the variety of languages I work with.

My entire vim setup dir can be found here: http://github.com/dakrone/dakrone-dotfiles

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