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I really like your blog layout/theme. Clean and readable. Have you tried mounting code from WSL into a docker container and using vim/emacs in a shell in docker?

Thanks for the kind words about the blog layout.

I keep my source code outside of WSL's file system because I don't trust it yet.

It's then mounted into WSL and Docker for Windows. Docker volume mounts work fine with that set up.

I don't use vim/emacs but running them straight in WSL should be fine. I wouldn't think to run vim/emacs directly inside of the container (because I try to adhere to the "1 container, 1 process" best practice) but in theory it would work no problem.

In this WSL set up article[0] I go over installing Sublime Text within WSL and using MobaXterm as an X server. It runs lightning fast.

[0]: https://nickjanetakis.com/blog/using-wsl-and-mobaxterm-to-cr...

I've done exactly that. However it only recently worked flawlessly due to a bug in Powershell and how Hyper-V interact. Here's a sample setup.


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