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Not OP, but GopherJS is an emulator:

> GopherJS emulates a 32-bit environment. This means that int, uint and uintptr have a precision of 32 bits. However, the explicit 64-bit integer types int64 and uint64 are supported. The GOARCH value of GopherJS is "js".

Joy doesn't seem to be:

> [Joy ships] a minimal runtime only when it's needed

> Most existing Go code does not yet compile to Javascript. This is because most of the standard library still needs to be translated to Javascript. This will be a focus of the 2.0 release. Signup for the mailing list to follow along with the progress.

This has some obvious consequences in how they differ. For example, if I look at [0][1], GopherJS results in a huge amount of code bloat because it includes a translation of the Go runtime. A basic example 33 LOC grows to 44 LOC on its own, but with the GopherJS environment that becomes:

> 1470 LOC and 45kb, uncompressed and unminified. The bulk of which is the builtin library. It will only compile what it needs to. So if you declare types that are never used, they won't show up in the resulting code. This goes for core packages too. If I change that code so it requires "fmt", the result explodes to 12845 LOC and 624kb ("fmt" imports a LOT of stuff).

(In GopherJS' defense, minification slims it down to 21kb, and the example probably is missing a production code compiler flag)

The examples on the Joy webpage look a lot more minification-friendly and easier to integrate with other JavaScript.

[0] http://legacytotheedge.blogspot.se/2014/03/gopherjs-go-to-ja...

[1] https://gist.github.com/rolaveric/9407509

GopherJS is _not_ an emulator. Saying that it emulates a 32-bit environment means that `int` (which is architecture-specific in Go) is 4 bytes (compared to 8-bytes on amd64), and means that int64 is supported and does what you expect.

As a counterexample -- it is not possible to have a 33 LOC example that uses goroutines to only expand to 44 LOC. GopherJS goes to extremes to make sure that your Go code works as expected in the browser.

I stand corrected, apologies for spreading incorrect information. Sadly I can't edit my post any more.

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