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Learn web development (developer.mozilla.org)
362 points by ktta on Dec 12, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

While I used w3schools quite a bit I am now using MDN more and more, great reference! Hope Chrome/Safari/Edge etc all can join force on the web related document at MDN.

In particular, MDN now puts some demo code at the start before it dives into all the detailed tech info for the API etc, which is excellent.

Google, Microsoft, W3C and Samsung have already joined the party[0].

[0] https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/10/18/mozilla-brings-micr...

If I need to google something JS or HTML related my query is usually "mdn ____".

DuckDuckGo has a bang that forwards to MDN directly:

!mdn ____

! means "not" to me, so I read that as "not mdn" as in "don't include mdn results"

“Not” in search queries is the minus sign “-” directly prepended to the word or phrase

Presuming you're entering that in your address bar, you can set a search keyword in your browser so it'll actually search MDN, not just do a plain search with the word "mdn" in it.

You can add it as search engine with search bar.

MDN is the OG greatest of all time.

I've actually been using this to take a break from Node and start learning Django. It's been fantastic thus far. It was even enjoyable reading how they described fundamental concepts like the client server relationship.

Well done, Mozilla.

Does anyone have any recommendations for intermediate level web development texts, websites, tutorials, etc?

I've been teaching myself for some personal projects, and had an easy time finding "Javascript/PHP/CSS 101" type materials, and have a decent grasp of these. But when it comes to sticking them all together into an application, I find myself just guessing what the best way to do things is. What I should do server side vs in the browser, when to use iframes vs ajax requests vs reloading the page, etc.

If you don't mind me tooting my own horn, I wrote an intermediate-level book for Django: https://hellowebbooks.com/django-intermediate-concepts/

I found a lot of beginner and a lot of advanced stuff, so I decided to write something in the middle. Covers adding payments, how to work with multiple models, etc.

I subscribed to Laracasts a few months ago and use it off and on as I develop a couple of web projects. I really like his style of video coaching.

For intermediate level learning, I've always used the one-more-search rule of thumb:

When you think you've got it, do one more Google search to verify your way of thinking. It will often start leading you down a rabbit hole that will make you realize you don't have it, thus causing another one-more-search.

After https://xkcd.com/214/ you are so much further along than if you didn't do just one-more-search.

I would rather recommend the opposite: forget about the one-more-search rabbit hole and just get started. Three hours spent on programming is going to be much more useful than three hours spent on googling.

If you want to learn to play the violin, you're not going to get there by reading books about the shape of Paganini's fingers.

Worth noting that the MDN docs are not yet updated for Django 2.0. The url syntax has been changed in Django 2.0, but other than that the current MDN tutorial is fine as a resource to get started with Django. Django 2.0 release notes : https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/releases/2.0/

The older syntax still works fine and will keep doing so.

For me it's been about getting into web dev itself. I feel it is a complete shitshow out there in terms of proper educational material. Everything is pretty much create-react-app with a string of tools.

As beginner who didn't want to dive into the deep end, I've found this and freecodecamp.org to be the best resources to get started.

If you want to have a nice introduction into Django with web, a great place to start ist the open source book: Test Driven Development with Python https://www.obeythetestinggoat.com/book/preface.html

Agreed, the MDN Docs are fantastic and I'm glad we have Mozilla around

As a German I'm so glad that I didn't have to learn German as a second language.

As a software developer I'm glad I was there when the web began and was allowed to code some bad Perl CGI and horrible HTML.

> was allowed to code some bad Perl CGI and horrible HTML

Today's starters write equally bad JavaScript and equally bad HTML; don't be fooled by the cargo culters stating otherwise.

The standards have also changed, as well as the language itself!

I'm actually learning German as a third language and I quite enjoy it.

The only tricky part to me is that its use is often highly idiomatic. There are so many German phrases that don't translate literally, but their English counterparts might translate okay and at least make some sense. The phrase "Es tut mir leid" comes to mind.

Title needs to be updated: it’s MDN web docs, not Mozilla web docs.

Done, thanks.

Another source of excellent documentation about CSS is https://css-tricks.com/

Definitely worth to read!

Thank you Mozilla! <3

Mozilla, One of the best resources to learn web things.

Thank you Mozilla!!

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