Well I don't know about J.K. Rowling but Notch kind of stepped on all the players that supported the game during alpha when he sold it to Microsoft. When I purchased the game back at alpha 0.5 or something, I was paying for any future uprades and such according to the user agreement I accepted. Once Microsoft bought it and rewrote it, that agreement no longer applies to these new supported versions of the game, only the Java version. It is what it is but it does irk me a bit to have to pay again for something I bought with the understanding that I was paying for all future upgrades.
Ya I looked into them a bit and couldn't really be bothered. I also don't have a windows computer or any modern consoles so I'm stuck on the Java one either way. The whole thing just seems like a sneaky way to make more money off of it ans have tighter control over the community.