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... because you don’t understand it?

It’s common knowledge people fear what they don’t know.

It is not just the fear caused by lack of understanding.

I'd rather say - by the overwhelming financial amount Bitcoin has generated. No folks in power like to be overtaken. Strange things might happen when they realize they are not the top dogs anymore.

If you’re talking about the 1% they aren’t worried. The banks may have regulations, but most banks are owned by the Rothschild family. They can invest however they want since they are individuals.

I'm talking about this: https://www.statista.com/statistics/264905/top-10-banks-by-m...

No.1. bank on highest market caps list is JP Megan Chase with $311bn. Which is being overtaken by total Bitcoin capitalisation right now. I'm pretty sure members of the Rothschild family don't sleep well these days.

If you truly believe the 1% don’t know how to stay on top and pull strings so they always win then you’re dreaming.

It may just be a TV show, but Mr. Robot touches on this subject. Give it a try

By all means - I do believe!

I am worried the 1% will start pulling strings. That's the point.

I dropped Mr/ Robot after s01e02. There were too many depressing threads for me and my wife. Buy you're saying it is worth coming back to?

But they are already pulling strings just to slap each other and using us as pawns in the process. At least that’s the picture Mr. Robot is painting right now. It does have its dark moments, but I think it’s dark because the world it portrays isn’t that far off from our own.

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