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Is there a viable alternative to Patreon?

Kickstarter's got one, but it's invite-only right now. https://d.rip - I could find no sign of their fee structure anywhere on the site. There's also https://liberapay.com - a non-profit Patreon clone, whose code is public. You may have to be creating open source content, I'm not sure. Seems to pay weekly, does not take any cut themselves (?!?!?).

I just migrated my two Patreon pledges to Liberapay, and it worked surprisingly well. You decide how often you want them to charge you—and then they re-distribute the money on a per-week or per-month basis to creators.

So you can choose to be charged every month (and have ~2% of banking fees), or to provide money for the next 3 months (and the banking fee will be less). Money will be redistributed to creators once a week (or once a month) anyway.

Plus they only charge banking fees, nothing for themselves (tip is voluntary).

For Europeans, Tipeee which is a french startup. The fee depends on the amount you pledge. https://www.tipeee.com/about/fees

If there isn't now, and this fee structure is very unpopular, there probably will be. Their service doesn't strike me as something which is particularly difficult to replicate.

Kickstarter launched Drip recently: https://d.rip/

There's Librepay, and FOSSPay, I believe.

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