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It only works that way if you trust Tether and the exchanges. Given how shadowy the big ones are, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

It appears this kind of arbitrage is designed to push up the price of BTC -- as long as the price keeps going up, people aren't going to withdraw. Once we start to see a sell-off though, the exchanges will stop being able to pay in USD pretty quickly.

My thought is that every time Tether/Bitfinex sees a sell-off happening (which, being an exchange, they can) they issue a bunch of new Tether, push the price higher, and take the money of some more suckers entering the market by selling BTC. If true, this is basically just a ponzi scheme.

Without evidence to the contrary, this is the safest assumption at least. I cashed out a few days ago regardless; but I do think there's a big crash coming. I don't think cryptocurrency is inherently bad, just that Bitcoin is all hype.

Yes, but there is no evidence that that is happening. Bitcoin has a $200B market cap. There is only approximately 800 million usd worth of Tether on the market. It's easy to make up stories about what might be happening, but just because it's possible something is happening doesn't mean that it is.

You are underestimating the extent to which a finite $200M injection can make it seem like the price is skyrocketing for exogenous factors and therefore yield real money coming in. Classic pump and dump strategy.

If you don't mind my asking, how long had you held for?

About 4.5 years? Bought some on Coinbase when I saw them at SXSW a few years back then promptly forgot about it. Pretty sure I'm gonna be one of the few "casuals" who manages to take any money away from BTC when this is all said and done...

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