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I feel more helpless now than I did on November 9th, 2016.

This will not just get rammed through. I believe both the ACLU and EFF have lawsuits waiting to be filed once the vote happens. Between Pai's comments and actions, they have a strong case that the agency disregarded the public's opinion and is therefore not acting in the interest of the public, which, I have been told is a legal requirement of the FCC. This is another example of a Trump appointee trying to weaken the agency he was put in charge of, only to have the federal courts deny that.

Don't you think they've already anticipated lawsuits and have been working on their rebuttal? All they have to argue is that removing the regulations improves competition, or that broadband providers aren't subject to regulations. Net neutrality rules have only been around for a couple of years, they could easily be reversed in one or two more.

Considering the current administrations lawyers claimed to have tweeted admission of obstruction, I wouldn’t be so sure they’re the brightest bunch out there. They probably figured it would be a cakewalk.

That was Trump's personal lawyer. He is separate from the lawyers at the FCC, or the White House Counsel, or the Attorney General, etc. There's a lot of different lawyers. Some of them are political veterans, and some of them are former corporate lawyers. They have a lot of experience between them.

Make sure you are registered to vote if you are in the United States. And vote in every election. Even something that seems small like school board has more implications then we know.

And if you live in a city, demand the election commission open more polling places/etc. Low turnout in urban areas is at least partially because people don't want to wait in lines for hours, while the poling places in rural areas have 0 wait times...

Give me candidates worth voting for first.

This is the most important issue. The system is rigged in favor of the incumbents in many, many ways.

Nothing stopping you from running, even if it is to just push the conversation in a certain direction.

Not enough.

Wasn't Pai appointed by Trump instead of by election?

Didn't most of the voting Americans vote against Trump?

It seems like a better approach to US politics is to be rich.

Don't worry, at least this isn't the worst thing that will happen this year. You'll have to wait for that until Alabama elects a child molester (accused by 6? different women) over a Democrat.

I too am saddened as what happens in the US will influence the rest of the world; I expect to see similar things happen closer to home if this goes through.

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