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I have meta data of podcasts & episodes in my own database, including title, description, publisher, ... But I don't have transcripts.

Everyone says they want transcripts, but after some digging, I decide that transcript is not very useful for now --

For listeners, those who choose to listen hate reading texts.

For podcasters, it's expensive to produce transcripts and the seemingly SEO boost is not easy to justify -- 1, it takes time for SEO to work; 2, conversational contents (most podcasts) are not high quality when you see them in texts.

For Listen Notes (podcast search engine), indexing transcripts introduces more noise than signals.

I did some experiment around transcripts, e.g., https://www.listennotes.com/e/51222de65c2c484e8a47608eac1329... But I decided not to continue for now.

The search results from Listen Notes include uuid for episode & podcast. So the client side (e.g., podcast player) can keep track of listen history for a user.

If you're interested in transcript search. We do it as part of our video processing engine and we work with a some podcast creators to provide search api. Message me if you are interested.

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