>So don't make it simplified, don't hail "community-driven", just go and start making suggested changes with the rest of your favourite OS community!
Good luck with getting those accepted, when there's an established man page and for 30+ years simple examples like in tldr where frowned upon in almost all of them.
`man` documents every last flag, and I generally use it for a command I know decently but need to dig into particulars. It goes to a scrollable page like `less` which is important bc it's total size spans several pages.
`tldr` is shows the 3-4 most common use cases for a command, and puts it right to stdout more like `cat` so you can refer to it as you type along. I'd generally use this for a command I do not know so well.
Good luck with getting those accepted, when there's an established man page and for 30+ years simple examples like in tldr where frowned upon in almost all of them.