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What caught my attention about this post, and the reason I'm sharing it on HN, is that even though Rust's original selling point was its "ownership" feature, I'm starting to get the feeling that there are other things about the language and its that are driving its success.

In this case, it sounds like the killer feature is easy, powerful reflection. People also seem to really like Cargo. The standard library seems to be very nice. And the language's speed is excellent (ripgrep is written in Rust).

What's funny is that if you ask different people the same question about Rust's selling point, you'll get a different answer most of the time. Rust has a lot of features, and it's the sum of all the parts that make the whole, rather than a specific part in particular.

We had a community discussion on this topic a year ago: https://brson.github.io/fireflowers/

Very interesting, thanks for posting that!

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